Want to buy a toy for your child, but afraid of buying the wrong one? do not worry! Today I’m sharing with you the best guide to buying age-appropriate toy for kids ages 0-6. Follow this guide to buying toys and you can’t go wrong.
In addition to the safety of toy, the age-appropriate selection of toys is also important for children, and toy need to be suitable for the needs of the baby’s age and intellectual development.
In fact, there are many safe and suitable toy materials that can be found at home, such as: cardboard boxes, plastic bowls, plastic bottle caps of various sizes and shapes, etc., and others that can provide children of different ages with different ways to play. “baby”.
Each child has his own growth rhythm, so the safe age-appropriate toy will fluctuate up and down. As long as it is safe, the toy listed below can be played by older or younger babies.
0-6 month old baby
At this stage, the baby likes to watch and follow the changes of people with eyes, especially the face and bright and bright colors. The baby is addicted to the experience of grasping objects with hands and feet, and will look up or turn his head to find the source of the sound when he hears the sound. , or put something in your mouth to taste and so on.
Age-appropriate toys:
- Toys that your baby can grip, lick, and shake, as well as drums, bells, squeeze toys, teething toys, soft dolls, cloth balls, cloth and cardboard books that make sounds.
- Toys that promote hearing — music books for children’s songs, lullabies, simple children’s songs.
- Toys that promote vision — baby likes to look at hanging pictures of faces, mirrors that are safe to not break.
7-12 months old
At this stage, the baby’s activity is getting stronger and stronger, from turning over, sitting, crawling, jumping on the mother’s body, to standing and standing. The hidden things can also be taken in and out of the container.

Age-appropriate toys:
- Pretend Play Toys — Dolls, plastic or wooden vehicles, water toys.
- Practice throwing and grabbing toys — plastic balls, large beads, balls, matching toys.
- Construction Toys — Large cork blocks, wooden blocks.
- Toys that can exercise big muscles — large balls, push-pull toys, soft and short objects that can be climbed.

1-2 year old baby
Babies at this stage start to move, they can usually walk steadily or even climb steps, they like to hear stories, and they can say their first words.
They start playing parallel games with other babies, though not really cooperative games, they like to try new experiences, and they also need adults to keep them safe.

Age-appropriate toys:
- Cardboard book with simple notes and pictures of real things.
- Songs, nursery rhymes, simple stories and pictures.
- Toys that promote creativity — non-toxic washable watercolor pens, crayons and large paper.
- Toys for imaginary play — toy telephones, dolls’ homes, strollers, role-playing decorations (scarves, gloves), dolls, plush toys, animal models, plastic or wooden vehicle models.
- Construction toys — cardboard and wooden blocks (slightly smaller than the blocks that the baby played in the previous stage, 2-4 cm, to ensure safety first and not be eaten by the baby in the mouth).
- Toys for training big and small muscles — puzzles, large pegboards, toys that can be manipulated (switches, covers, handle dials, etc.), balls of different sizes.

2-3 year old baby
Babies at this stage have entered a period of rapid language learning and awareness of the dangers, but they like to do a lot of different “tryings” to experience with their bodies.
For example: jumping from a height, climbing, hanging your body by your arms, rolling, slapstick games. Babies already have good control over their fine muscles and can do many fine motor activities of the hands and fingers.

Age-appropriate toys:
- Exercise problem-solving toys — wooden puzzles (8-12 pieces), interlocking blocks, sorting toys (size, shape, color, flavor), hooked items, buckles, buttons, switches.
- Toys for pretend play and construction play — blocks, small and sturdy vehicle toys, construction kits, children’s toy furniture (kitchen kits, chairs, toy things, etc.), role-play clothes, dress-up dolls, dolls, water and sand Tool of.
- Toys to develop your baby’s creativity — large non-toxic washable crayons and pens, large brushes and finger paints, sketches for drawing, colored cardstock, kid-safe scissors, blackboards and large chalks, rhythm instruments.
- Drawings with more details.
- More and richer CD or DVD music.
- Toys for big and small muscles — different sized balls for kicking or throwing, riding toys, tunnels, small ladders protected by soft floor mats, toys for tapping.

3-6 year old baby
Babies at this age have longer attention spans, they like to talk and ask questions, and they like to experiment with a variety of objects and new skills of their bodies.
They also like to play with friends, but they don’t like to fail, and during this time they slowly learn to take turns and share toys with other children.

Age-appropriate toys:
- Problem-solving toys — jigsaw puzzles (about 12-20 pieces), building blocks, and smaller ones that can be used to sort toys (length, weight, height, shape, color, taste, and other characteristics)
- Such as plastic bottle caps, plastic bowls, plastic caps, keys, seashells, bears for counting, and small colored blocks.
- Imagination and construction play toys – more complex building blocks, vehicle toys, various building sets, furniture for children (bedroom apartment sets, toy things, etc.), role play clothes, dress up dolls, dolls and Simple doll stage, tools for playing with water and sand.
- Toys that promote creativity — crayons and pens of different sizes, brushes, paints, paper of different sizes for drawing, colored cardstock, safety scissors.
- Chalkboards and sizes of chalk, clay models and plasticine, modeling tools, dough, paper and cloth strips for collage, and a variety of instruments including rhythm instruments, keyboards, xylophones, sand hammers, and tambourines.
- There are more children’s picture books with richer language and storylines.
- Richer playback music.
- Toys that develop gross and fine muscles – balls of different sizes for kicking, throwing, and catching, ride-on toys including tricycles, tunnels, higher ladders (padded underneath), scooters or wheelbarrows Cart, a children’s workbench (saws, pliers, hammers, nails, saws, etc.).

Children of this age can start to touch computers — it is suitable for interactive games on the computer, and the games are relatively easy for children to understand (such as instructions presented in graphics or spoken language),
They can also control the rhythm and speed of the game while getting in touch to explore more different concepts.

Safety of children’s toys
Choose toys that have a smooth surface without sharp protrusions, small debris, or places that can easily get caught by children, non-toxic, lead-free, non-breakable, and easy to clean.
Electric toys need to be certified by the UL safety laboratory in the United States, and the certified toys will have labels; at the same time, when choosing toys for children under the age of 3, make sure that there are no small parts on the toy that will be accidentally swallowed by the child or may cause suffocation .
Parents also need to be aware that a safe toy can become unsafe after prolonged use and wear, so parents should always check the status of the toy to ensure safety.

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